Ders Asistanları

Ders Kodu Ders Adı İsim | Ofis - Tel (290 XXXX) | E-Mail
IE102 A Process Outlook for Industrial Engineering Gülin Yurter | - - - | gulin.yurter@bilkent TA
IE202 Introduction to Modeling and Optimization Ali İlhan Haliloğlu | EA307 - 1156 | ilhan.haliloglu@bilkent TA
IE202 Introduction to Modeling and Optimization Gözde Yazıcı | - - - | gozde.yazici@bilkent TA
IE202 Introduction to Modeling and Optimization Gizem İkizler | EA307 - 1156 | gizem.ikizler@bilkent TA
IE202 Introduction to Modeling and Optimization Gülin Yurter | - - - | gulin.yurter@bilkent TA
IE272 Manufacturing Processes and Operations Analysis Osman Kağan Yayla | EA327 - 1438 | kagan.yayla@bilkent TA
IE299 Summer Training I Zeynep Şahin | - - - | zeynep.sahin@bilkent TA
IE303 Modeling and Methods in Optimization Ali Eren Demir | EA325 - 3269 | eren.demir@bilkent TA
IE303 Modeling and Methods in Optimization Bora Çetin | EA307 - 1156 | bora.cetin@bilkent TA
IE303 Modeling and Methods in Optimization İrem Bahtiyar | EA325 - 3269 | irem.bahtiyar@bilkent TA
IE324 Simulation Batuhan Çelik | - - - | batuhan.celik@bilkent TA
IE324 Simulation Aslı Sena Bozkurt | EA307 - 1156 | asli.bozkurt@bilkent TA
IE325 Stochastic Models Doğuş Berk Koçak | - - - | berk.kocak@bilkent TA
IE342 Engineering Economic Analysis Sevgi İdil Budak Dokumacı | EA307 - 1156 | idil.budak@bilkent TA
IE375 Production Planning Efecan Şentürk | EA325 - 3269 | efecan.senturk@bilkent TA
IE376 Production Information Systems Elif Rana Yöner | - - - | rana.yoner@bilkent TA
IE380 Quality Assurance and Reliability Muhittin Can Korkut | - - - | can.korkut@bilkent TA
IE380 Quality Assurance and Reliability Muhammed Mustafa Çolak | - - - | mustafacolak@bilkent TA
IE399 Summer Training II Zeynep Şahin | - - - | zeynep.sahin@bilkent TA
IE400 Principles of Engineering Management Elif Sena Işık | - - - | sena.isik@bilkent TA
IE400 Principles of Engineering Management Shabnam Kılıç | EA307 - 1156 | shabnam.kilic@bilkent TA
IE411 Mathematical Programming Muhittin Can Korkut | - - - | can.korkut@bilkent TA
IE421 Introduction to Stochastic Processes Muhammed Mustafa Çolak | - - - | mustafacolak@bilkent TA
IE443 Multi-objective Decision Analysis Shabnam Kılıç | EA307 - 1156 | shabnam.kilic@bilkent TA
IE448 Financial Issues in Engineering Projects Zeynep Göze Gürkan | EA327 - 1438 | zeynep.goze@bilkent TA
IE451 Applied Data Analysis Deniz Şahin | EA305 - 1289 | deniz.sahin@bilkent TA
IE457 Sustainable Operations Sarp Bora İlhan | - - - | bora.ilhan@bilkent TA
IE467 Emerging Trends in Manufacturing Kaan Çakıroğlu | EA307 - 1156 | kaan.cakiroglu@bilkent TA
IE469 Industrial Applications of Operations Research İrem Bahtiyar | EA325 - 3269 | irem.bahtiyar@bilkent TA
IE469 Industrial Applications of Operations Research Ali Eren Demir | EA325 - 3269 | eren.demir@bilkent TA
IE478 Systems Design - Synthesis Defne Tan | EA307 - 1156 | defne.tan@bilkent TA
IE478 Systems Design - Synthesis Yunus Emre Çakır | EA327 - 1438 | emre.cakir@bilkent TA
IE482 Humanitarian Logistics Gizem İkizler | EA307 - 1156 | gizem.ikizler@bilkent TA
IE486 Computational Optimization Kaan Çakıroğlu | EA307 - 1156 | kaan.cakiroglu@bilkent TA
IE496 Seminar in Production Systems Zeynep Göze Gürkan | EA327 - 1438 | zeynep.goze@bilkent TA
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