Seminar by Lerzan Örmeci

E. Lerzan Örmeci
Hospital Bed Management with Random Patient Length-of-Stay
Seminar by
E. Lerzan Örmeci
Koç University


For the last few decades, it has been very challenging to manage the limited hospital resources due to the constantly increasing demand on health care services. In this talk, we are interested in managing one such resource, namely hospital beds when patients stay at the hospital for a random amount of time with known probability distributions. Bed management involves a variety of decisions at different planning levels, including, but not limited to, number of daily surgical procedures to be scheduled, admission, routing and discharge policies. We illustrate different modeling approaches that consider: • the interaction between operating room and bed capacities, • the routing of patients to different wards, • the discharge policies with and without routing decisions. This seminar is based on joint works with Hessam Bavafa, Amin Khoshkenar, Nermin Kurt and Sergei Savin.

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