Title: EMPLOYEE TURNOVER PROBABILITY PREDICTION by Hüsameddin Deniz Barın , MS Industrial Engineering
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Savaş Dayanık
Date: Sept. 14, 2022 12:30 PM Istanbul
Meeting ID: 654 774 6234
Passcode: 478379
Abstract: Employee turnover prediction is crucial for the companies in the sense that the precautionary action by the employers can be made in advance. A turnover data provided by a company was examined throughout the thesis. Firstly, the missing data were imputed. Then a hierarchical model aiming to explain the attrition heterogeneity among the employees and preventing separation was fitted to the data set. Finally, the results of the implementation were analyzed along with the benchmark models. Based on the results, the proposed hierarchical model had a higher performance on the target metric and the heterogeneity across the units was inferred through the hierarchical model which outperformed the benchmark models.