M.S. Thesis Presentation by Özüm Korkmaz

Özüm Korkmaz

Carbon Restricted Newsvendor Problem Under CVAR Objective and Resource Constraints

M.S. Thesis Presentation by
Özüm Korkmaz
Department of Industrial Engineering
Bilkent University



Newsboy problem has been studied in the literature extensively. The classical newsvendor, representing the risk neutral decision maker, determines the optimal order/production quantity by maximizing the expected profit or minimizing the expected total cost of a single period with stochastic demand. This approach is not suitable if one also aims to reduce the chances of facing unexpected losses due to demand uncertainty. In this thesis, two problems are investigated with a single product newsvendor under CVaR maximization objective. The first problem addresses the newsvendor model with two different carbon emission reduction policies, namely, mandatory emission allowance and carbon emission trading mechanism. In the second problem, as an extension of the first one, a newsvendor with multiple resource constraints is considered for the cases where the resources have quotas with trade options. Analytical expressions for optimal order/production quantities are determined together with the optimal trading policy and numerical examples are provided.
Keywords: Newsvendor, CVaR, Carbon Emissions, Cap and Trade.



This thesis is supervised by
Prof. Ülkü Gürler
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