Seminar by Cem Bozsahin

Cem Bozansahin

The Alan Turing Way of Computing

Seminar by
Cem Bozansahin
Professor, Graduate School of Informatics, METU
Computation is everywhere nowadays. It has changed not only our daily lives but our academic practice as well. It seems hard to believe that all these changes arose from Alan Turing's simple conception of functions unheard of before: step by step execution of an algorithm over some kind of representation. Turing seems to have begun his scientific games as a child with quite a personal way of doing things, which is very much reflected later in his life in his handling of apparently eclectic set of problems. Some connections between the problems will be highlighted in the seminar.


Biographical Sketch
Cem Bozsahin is professor of cognitive science at the Informatics Institute, METU. He holds a PhD in computer science from Arizona State University, and received his BS and MS from Industrial Engineering at METU. His research topics are nature of constraints on cognition and investigation of natural grammars.

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