Information Session on Graduate Program


The Department of Industrial Engineering at Bilkent University is inviting applications for its graduate programs for students who will start in Fall 2021. An online information session (via zoom) will be held to introduce the department and the graduate programs on March 24, 17:30 Turkey time (GMT+3). In order to receive the zoom link, please use the following link and register for this event

The department offers M.S. and Ph.D. degrees. The M.S. program involves thesis work and is specifically tailored to establish necessary background in Mathematics and Operations Research for students who will later pursue Ph.D. degrees. Most of the alumni from the MS program continue their Ph.D. studies in Industrial Engineering, Operations Research, Management Science, Operations Management and other related areas at leading universities across the world. These universities include Bilkent, Carnegie Mellon, Columbia, Duke, EPFL, Georgia Tech, INSEAD, LBS, Northwestern, UCLA, UNC, USC, University of Chicago, University of Texas, University of Toronto and University of Pennsylvania. The Ph.D. program prepares the students for academic careers. Almost all of the Ph.D. alumni have taken up positions at universities in Turkey and overseas. Some of these universities are Bilkent, HEC Montreal, Koç, Michigan State, Northeastern, ODTÜ, Sabancı, TED, TOBB-ETÜ, University of Bath, University of Liverpool and University of Waterloo. A small number of the Ph.D. alumni have chosen to work in research positions in companies such as Amazon, McKinsey and Walmart Labs

The department has 18 full-time faculty members conducting research in diverse areas including optimization, decision-making under uncertainty and risk, stochastic modeling, scheduling, logistics, supply chain management, manufacturing, healthcare management, financial mathematics, energy systems, revenue management, sustainable operations, multi-objective decision making, statistics and data analytics.

The faculty members are listed below:

Selim Aktürk, Lehigh University
Çağın Ararat, Princeton University
Arnab Basu, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Özlem Çavuş İyigün, Rutgers University
Savaş Dayanık, Columbia University
Nesim K. Erkip, Stanford University
Ülkü Gürler, University of Pennsylvania
Oya E. Karaşan, Rutgers University
Yiğit Karpat, Rutgers University
Özlem Karsu, London School of Economics
A. Selin Kocaman, Columbia University
Emre Nadar, Carnegie Mellon University
Mustafa Ç. Pınar, University of Pennsylvania
Nil Şahin, ODTÜ
Alper Şen, University of Southern California
Firdevs Ulus, Princeton University
Emre Uzun, Rutgers University
Bahar Yetiş Kara, Bilkent University

Recent journal publications of the faculty can be accessed from the following link

More information about the department can be found in the department’s web site below

All students that are admitted to the graduate programs are provided scholarships that pay for the full tuition. Most students receive an additional stipend to cover living expenses and on-campus housing. The amount varies depending on the credentials, but is generally sufficient for a comfortable life on campus.

The applications for the graduate programs for the Fall semester of 2021-2022 academic year will be handled in two rounds. The deadline for the early round is April 4, 2021 and the deadline for the regular round is June 2, 2021. Students are encouraged to apply in the early round. Application requirements can be found in the webpage below

Students can apply online using the following link

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